Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
M. Cicognani; F. Colombini, A well-posed Cauchy problem for an evolution equation with coefficients of low regularity, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2013, 254, pp. 3573 - 3595 [Scientific article]
R. Agliardi, Option pricing under generalized Lévy processes with state dependent parameters and the volatility surface, «APPLIED MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES», 2013, 7, pp. 1711 - 1720 [Scientific article]
M. Cicognani; T. Herrmann, $H^infty$ well-posedness for a 2-evolution Cauchy problem with complex coefficients, «JOURNAL OF PSEUDO-DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS AND APPLICATIONS», 2013, 4, pp. 63 - 90 [Scientific article]
F. Zama; R. Ciavarelli; D. Frascari; D. Pinelli, Numerical parameters estimation in models of pollutant transport with chemical reaction, in: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology - Vol. 391: System Modeling and Optimization, HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2013, pp. 547 - 556 (IFIP ADVANCES IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY) [Chapter or essay]
R. H. Chan; A. Lanza; S. Morigi; F.Sgallari, An Adaptive Strategy for the Restoration of Textured Images using Fractional Order Regularization, «NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS», 2013, 6, pp. 276 - 296 [Scientific article]
M. K. Khan; S. Morigi; L. Reichel; F. Sgallari, Iterative Methods of Richardson-Lucy-type for Image Deblurring, «NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS», 2013, 6, pp. 262 - 275 [Scientific article]
X.Cai; R. H. Chan; S.Morigi; F. Sgallari, Vessel Segmentation in Medical Imaging Using a Tight-Frame Based Algorithm, «SIAM JOURNAL ON IMAGING SCIENCES», 2013, 6, pp. 464 - 486 [Scientific article]
M. Cicognani; F. Colombini; D. Del Santo, Studies in Phase Space Analysis with Applications to PDEs, BASEL, Birkhäuser Basel, 2013, pp. 380 . [Editorship]
M. Aouadi; B. Lazzari; R. Nibbi, Energy decay in thermoelastic diffusion theory with second sound and dissipative boundary, «MECCANICA», 2013, 48, pp. 2159 - 2171 [Scientific article]
F. Brini; L. Seccia; A. Muracchini, An approximated model of multi-temperature mixtures for the description of second sound propagation, «ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK», 2013, 64, pp. 329 - 341 [Scientific article]
A. Parmeggiani, On the Problem of Positivity of Pseudodifferential Systems, in: Studies in Phase Space Analysis with Applications to PDEs, NEW YORK, Birkhaeuser, Springer Science+Business Media, 2013, pp. 313 - 335 [Chapter or essay]
R. Agliardi; P. Popivanov; A. Slavova, On nonlinear Black-Scholes equations, «NONLINEAR ANALYSIS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2013, 1, pp. 75 - 81 [Scientific article]
Cristian E. Gutiérrez;Ermanno Lanconelli;Annamaria Montanari, Nonsmooth hypersurfaces with smooth Levi curvature, «NONLINEAR ANALYSIS», 2013, 76, pp. 115 - 121 [Scientific article]
A. Mentrelli; T. Ruggeri, The Riemann problem for a hyperbolic model of incompressible fluids, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS», 2013, 51, pp. 87 - 96 [Scientific article]
A. Mentrelli; T. Ruggeri, Shock and rarefaction waves in a hyperbolic model of incompressible materials, «ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA PELORITANA DEI PERICOLANTI, CLASSE DI SCIENZE FISICHE, MATEMATICHE E NATURALI», 2013, 91, pp. A13-1 - A13-16 [Scientific article]
S. Bonettini; G. Landi; E. Loli Piccolomini; L. Zanni, Scaling techniques for gradient projection-type methods in astronomical image deblurring, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS», 2013, 90, pp. 9 - 29 [Scientific article]
Laura B. Montefusco; Damiana Lazzaro; Serena Papi, A fast algorithm for nonconvex approaches to sparse recovery problems, «SIGNAL PROCESSING», 2013, 93, pp. 2636 - 2647 [Scientific article]
Antonio Bove; Marco Mughetti, Analytic and Gevrey Hypoellipticity for a Class of Pseudodifferential Operators in One Variable, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2013, 255, pp. 728 - 758 [Scientific article]
Paolo Albano; Antonio Bove, Wave Front Set of Solutions to Sums of Squares of Vector Fields, «MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2013, 221, pp. 1 - 91 [Scientific article]
Paolo Albano; Piermarco Cannarsa; Khai T. Nguyen; Carlo Sinestrari, Singular gradient flow of the distance function and homotopy equivalence, «MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN», 2013, 356, pp. 23 - 43 [Scientific article]