Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
Conti C; Merrien JL; Romani L, Dual Hermite Subdivision Schemes of de Rham-type, «BIT», 2014, 54, pp. 955 - 977 [Scientific article]
Uhlmann, V; Delgado-Gonzalo, R; Conti, C; Romani, L; Unser, M, Exponential Hermite splines for the analysis of biomedical images, in: ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 2014, pp. 1631 - 1634 (atti di: ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Firenze, Italy, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Romani L; Saini L; Albrecht G, Algebraic-Trigonometric Pythagorean-Hodograph curves and their use for Hermite interpolation, «ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS», 2014, 40, pp. 977 - 1010 [Scientific article]
Charina M; Conti C; Romani L, Reproduction of exponential polynomials by multivariate non-stationary subdivision schemes with a general dilation matrix, «NUMERISCHE MATHEMATIK», 2014, 127, pp. 223 - 254 [Scientific article]
Cvetič, Mirjam; Grassi, Antonella; Klevers, Denis; Piragua, Hernan, Chiral four-dimensional F-theory compactifications with SU(5) and multiple U(1)-factors, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2014, 2014, pp. 1 - 93 [Scientific article]
Capponi Agostino; Pagliarani Stefano; Vargiolu Tiziano, Pricing vulnerable claims in a Lévy-driven model, «FINANCE AND STOCHASTICS», 2014, 18, pp. 755 - 789 [Scientific article]
E. Agliari; A. Barra; A. Galluzzi; A. Pizzoferrato; D. Tantari, Ferromagnetic models for cooperative behavior: Revisiting Universality in complex phenomena, in: Mathematical Models and Methods for Planet Earth, Springer International Publishing, 2014, 6, pp. 73 - 86 (atti di: Mathematical Models and Methods for Planet Heart, Roma, 27/05/2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Elena.Agliari; Adriano.Barra; Andrea.Galluzzi; Daniele.Tantari; Flavia.Tavani, A walk in the statistical mechanical formulation of neural networks, in: proceeding of the conference: NCTA 2014, 2014, pp. 210 - 217 (atti di: NCTA 2014: International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, Roma, 22-24/10/2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Sollich, Peter; TANTARI, DANIELE; ANNIBALE, ALESSIA; BARRA, ADRIANO, Extensive parallel processing on scale-free networks, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2014, 113, pp. 238106 - 238111 [Scientific article]
Barra Adriano; Genovese Giuseppe; Guerra Francesco; Tantari Daniele, About a solvable mean field model of a Gaussian spin glass, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2014, 47, pp. 155002 - 155018 [Scientific article]
A. Barra; A. Galluzzi; F. Guerra; A. Pizzoferrato; D. Tantari, Mean field bipartite spin models treated with mechanical techniques, «THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. B, CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS», 2014, 87, pp. 74 - 87 [Scientific article]
Buttazzo G; Gerolin A; Ruffini B; Velichkov B, Spectral Optimization Problems for Schroedinger Operators, «JOURNAL DE L'ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE. MATHÉMATIQUES», 2014, 1, pp. 71 - 100 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ruffini B, Stability theorems for Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities, «REVISTA MATEMATICA COMPLUTENSE», 2014, 27, pp. 509 - 539 [Scientific article]
Buttazzo G; Ruffini B; Velichkov B, Shape Optimization Problems for Metric Graphs, «ESAIM. COCV», 2014, 20, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]
De Lellis C; Focardi M; Ruffini B, A note on the Hausdorff dimension of the singular set for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah energy, «ADVANCES IN CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS», 2014, 7, pp. 539 - 545 [Scientific article]
Abatangelo N.; Valdinoci E., A notion of nonlocal curvature, «NUMERICAL FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION», 2014, 35, pp. 793 - 815 [Scientific article]
TOZZA, SILVIA; FALCONE, Maurizio, A Semi-Lagrangian Approximation of the Oren-Nayar PDE for the Orthographic Shape–from–Shading Problem, in: 2014 International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014, 3, pp. 711 - 716 (atti di: 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP 2014, Lisboa, 5-8 January 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
B. L. Trong Thanh; S. TOZZA, On the Cahn-Hilliard regularization of a Perona-Malik type equation, «ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS», 2014, 24, pp. 543 - 567 [Scientific article]
DE PALMA, GIACOMO; MARI, ANDREA; GIOVANNETTI, VITTORIO, A generalization of the entropy power inequality to bosonic quantum systems, «NATURE PHOTONICS», 2014, 8, pp. 958 - 964 [Scientific article]