Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
Petracci A., Homogeneous deformations of toric pairs, «MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA», 2021, 166, pp. 37 - 72 [Scientific article] Open Access
Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros; Andrea Petracci, On toric geometry and K-stability of Fano varieties, «TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. SERIES B», 2021, 8, pp. 548 - 577 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ferrari F.; Lederman C., Regularity of flat free boundaries for a p(x)-Laplacian problem with right hand side, «NONLINEAR ANALYSIS», 2021, 212, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ferrari F., Some Extension Results for Nonlocal Operators and Applications, in: Nonlocal and Fractional Operators, Cham, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021, pp. 155 - 187 (SEMA SIMAI SPRINGER SERIES) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Huska, Martin; Kang, Sung H.; Lanza, Alessandro; Morigi, Serena, A Variational Approach to Additive Image Decomposition into Structure, Harmonic, and Oscillatory Components, «SIAM JOURNAL ON IMAGING SCIENCES», 2021, 14, pp. 1749 - 1789 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pragliola M.; Calatroni L.; Lanza A.; Sgallari F., Residual Whiteness Principle for Automatic Parameter Selection in ℓ2 - ℓ2 Image Super-Resolution Problems, in: Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, «LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE», 2021, 12679, pp. 476 - 488 (atti di: 8th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, SSVM 2021, Cabourg, France (online), 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Lanza A.; Morigi S.; Sgallari F., Automatic Parameter Selection Based on Residual Whiteness for Convex Non-convex Variational Restoration, in: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Springer, «SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS», 2021, 360, pp. 95 - 111 (atti di: International Workshop on Image Processing and Inverse Problems, IPIP 2018, Beijing, China, 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Alberici D.; Camilli F.; Contucci P.; Mingione E., The Solution of the Deep Boltzmann Machine on the Nishimori Line, «COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2021, 387, pp. 1191 - 1214 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barbera E.; Brini F., New extended thermodynamics balance equations for an electron gas confined in a metallic body, «RICERCHE DI MATEMATICA», 2021, 70, pp. 181 - 194 [Scientific article] Open Access
Giacomo De Palma; Bobak Kiani; Seth Lloyd, Adversarial Robustness Guarantees for Random Deep Neural Networks, in: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, «PROCEEDINGS OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH», 2021, 139, pp. 2522 - 2534 (atti di: 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, Online, 18-24 lug 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
De Palma, G; Trevisan, D, Quantum Optimal Transport with Quantum Channels, «ANNALES HENRI POINCARE'», 2021, 22, pp. 3199 - 3234 [Scientific article] Open Access
De Palma G.; Marvian M.; Trevisan D.; Lloyd S., The Quantum Wasserstein Distance of Order 1, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY», 2021, 67, pp. 6627 - 6643 [Scientific article] Open Access
Abenda S., Kasteleyn Theorem, Geometric Signatures and KP-II Divisors on Planar Bipartite Networks in the Disk, «MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY», 2021, 24, pp. 1 - 64 [Scientific article] Open Access
Frigerio R.; Moraschini M., Ideal simplicial volume of manifolds with boundary, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2021, 2021, pp. 5214 - 5260 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fauser, D.; Loh, C.; Moraschini, M.; Quintanilha, J. P., Stable integral simplicial volume of 3-manifolds, «JOURNAL OF TOPOLOGY», 2021, 14, pp. 608 - 640 [Scientific article] Open Access
Di Serafino D.; Landi G.; Viola M., Directional tgv-based image restoration under poisson noise, «JOURNAL OF IMAGING», 2021, 7, pp. 99 - 117 [Scientific article] Open Access
Orlandini E.; Tesi M.C.; Whittington S.G., Linking and link complexity of geometrically constrained pairs of rings, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2021, 54, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bertsch, Michiel; Franchi, Bruno; Raj, Ashish; Tesi, Maria Carla, Macroscopic modelling of Alzheimer’s disease: difficulties and challenges, «BRAIN MULTIPHYSICS», 2021, 2, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lucchini A.; Morigi M.; Moscatiello M., Primitive permutation IBIS groups, «JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY. SERIES A», 2021, 184, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access
Battelli, F.; Franca, M.; Palmer, K. J., Exponential dichotomy for noninvertible linear difference equations, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS», 2021, 27, pp. 1657 - 1691 [Scientific article] Open Access