Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
Boschetti M.A.; Mingozzi A.; Hadjiconstantinou E., New upper bounds for the two-dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting stock problem, «IMA JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT MATHEMATICS», 2002, 13, pp. 95 - 119 [Scientific article]
Catalisano, M. V.; Geramita, A. V.; Gimigliano, A., On the secant varieties to the tangential varieties of a Veronesean, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2002, 130, pp. 975 - 985 [Scientific article]
Catalisano, M. V.; Geramita, A. V.; Gimigliano, A., Ranks of tensors, secant varieties of Segre varieties and fat points, «LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS», 2002, 355, pp. 263 - 285 [Scientific article]
Parmeggiani, A.; Wakayama, M., Non-commutative harmonic oscillators-II, «FORUM MATHEMATICUM», 2002, 14, pp. 669 - 690 [Scientific article]
Parenti, C.; Parmeggiani, A., Lower bounds for systems with double characteristics, «JOURNAL D'ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE», 2002, 86, pp. 49 - 91 [Scientific article]
Parmeggiani, A.; Wakayama, M., Non-commutative harmonic oscillators-I, «FORUM MATHEMATICUM», 2002, 14, pp. 539 - 604 [Scientific article]
Parmeggiani, A.; Wakayama, M., A remark on systems of differential equations associated with representations of sl2(R) and their perturbations, «KODAI MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL», 2002, 25, pp. 254 - 277 [Scientific article]
Maniccia L.; Mughetti M., Weyl calculus for a class of subelliptic operators, «ANNALS OF GLOBAL ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY», 2002, 21, pp. 303 - 317 [Scientific article]
Damiana Lazzaro, Laura Montefusco, Radial basis functions for the multivariate interpolation of large scattered data sets, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2002, 140, pp. 521 - 536 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; Leach P. G. L., Symmetry analysis of and first integrals for the continuum Heisenberg spin chain, «ANZIAM JOURNAL», 2002, 44, pp. 61 - 72 [Scientific article]
Cerquetelli T.; CICCOLI, Nicola; NUCCI, Maria Clara, Four dimensional Lie symmetry algebras and fourth order ordinary differential equations, «JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2002, 9-suppl. 2, pp. 24 - 35 [Scientific article]
VALENTE, Carlo; NUCCI, Maria Clara; Cuteri V.; MARENZONI, Maria Luisa, Estimating the spread of paratuberculosis within dairy cattle using a deterministic mathematical model, in: 7th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, 2002, pp. 115 - 115 (atti di: 7th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, Bilbao (Spain), June 11-14, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; Leach P. G. L., Jacobi's last multiplier and the complete symmetry group of the Euler-Poinsot system, «JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2002, 9-suppl. 2, pp. 110 - 121 [Scientific article]
Albano P.; Cannarsa P., Propagation of singularities for solutions of nonlinear first order partial differential equations, «ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS», 2002, 162, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]
Albano P., Some properties of semiconcave functions with general modulus, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2002, 271, pp. 217 - 231 [Scientific article]
Albano P., On the singular set for solutions to a class of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, «NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS», 2002, 9, pp. 473 - 497 [Scientific article]
Grassi, Antonella, Diaconescu, Duiliu, Florea, Bodgan, Geometric transitions, del Pezzo surfaces and open string instantons, «ADVANCES IN THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2002, 6, pp. 643 - 702 [Scientific article]
Grassi, Antonella, Ovrut, Burt, Guralnick, Zachary, Knots, Braids and BPS States in M-Theory, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2002, 6, pp. 1 - 31 [Scientific article]
Vignatelli L.; Rinaldi R.; Tonon C.; Galeotti M.; Tinuper P.; De Carolls P.; D'Alessandro R., Epidemiological survey on status epilepticus in Bologna and Lugo di Romagna: Incidence, prognosis and treatment, «BOLLETTINO-LEGA ITALIANA CONTRO L'EPILESSIA», 2002, 118, pp. 185 - 187 [Scientific article]
Antonelli F.; Pascucci A., On the viscosity solutions of a stochastic differential utility problem, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2002, 186, pp. 69 - 87 [Scientific article]