Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. LEACH; K. ANDRIOPOULOS, Lie symmetries, quantisation and c-isochronous nonlinear oscillators, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2006, 319, pp. 357 - 368 [Scientific article]
BUSSO, Maurizio Maria; CALANDRA, Andrea; NUCCI, Maria Clara, Buoyant Magnetic flux tubes as a source for 26Al synthesis in AGB Stars (Invited talk), «MEMORIE DELLA SOCIETÀ ASTRONOMICA ITALIANA», 2006, 77, pp. 798 - 803 [Scientific article]
Bakalov B.; D'Andrea A.; Kac V.G., Irreducible modules over finite simple Lie pseudoalgebras I. Primitive pseudoalgebras of type W and S, «ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS», 2006, 204, pp. 293 - 361 [Scientific article]
D'Alessandro F.; D'Andrea A., A non-commutativity statement for algebraic quaternions, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION», 2006, 16, pp. 583 - 602 [Scientific article]
V. Colombo; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli; S. Dallavalle; M. Vancini, 3-D Fluidynamic and Plasma Characterization of DC Transferred Arc Plasma Torches for Metal Cutting, in: AUTORI VARI, 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry Abstracts and Full Papers CD, TORONTO, University of Toronto, 2005, pp. 365 - 366 (atti di: 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-17), Toronto, Canada, 7 - 12 agosto 2005) [Abstract]
Colombo, Vittorio; Ghedini, Emanuele; Mentrelli, Andrea; E., Malfa, 3-D Modelling of DC Transferred arc Twin Torch for Asbestos Inertization, in: AUTORI VARI, Nuclear Reactor Physics. A collection of papers dedicated to Silvio Edoardo Corno, TORINO, C.L.U.T., 2005, pp. 169 - 196 [Chapter or essay]
Baldacci, Roberto; Boschetti, MARCO ANTONIO; Maniezzo, Vittorio; Zamboni, M., Scatter Search Methods for the Covering Tour Problem, in: REGO C.; ALIDAEE B., Metaheuristic Optimization via Memory and Evolution: Tabu Search and Scatter Search, Series: Operations Research – Computer Science Interfaces, NORWELL, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005, pp. 59 - 91 [Chapter or essay]
Chiarella, C.; Dieci, Roberto; Gardini, L., The dynamic interaction of speculation and diversification, «APPLIED MATHEMATICAL FINANCE», 2005, 12 (1), pp. 17 - 52 [Scientific article]
Agliari, A.; Bischi, G. I.; Dieci, Roberto; Gardini, L., Global bifurcation of closed invariant curves in two-dimensional maps: a computer-assisted study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS IN APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING», 2005, 15 (4), pp. 1285 - 1328 [Scientific article]
POLIDORO S.; NIBBI R., Exponential decay for Maxwell equations with a boundary memory condition, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2005, 302,1, pp. 30 - 55 [Scientific article]
DI FRANCESCO, Marco; Pascucci, Andrea, On the complete model with stochastic volatility by Hobson and Rogers, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. SERIES A», 2005, 460, pp. 3327 - 3338 [Scientific article]
DORE G.; VENNI A., H-infinity Functional Calculus for Sectorial and Bisectorial Operators, «STUDIA MATHEMATICA», 2005, 168, pp. 221 - 241 [Scientific article]
V. Colombo; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli; E. Malfa, 3-D Modelling of DC Transferred Arc Twin Torch for Asbestos Inertization, in: AUTORI VARI, 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry Abstracts and Full Papers CD, TORONTO, University of Toronto, 2005(atti di: 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-17), Toronto, Canada, 7 - 12 agosto 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
CASCIOLA G.; ROMANI L., A piecewise rational quintic Hermite interpolant fou use in CAGD, in: M.DAEHLEN, K.MORKEN, L.L.SCHUMAKER, Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, BRENTWOOD, Nashboro Press, 2005, pp. 39 - 49 (atti di: Sixth International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, null, July 1-6, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Cancelier; A. Martinez; T. Ramond, Quantum resonances without Analyticity, «ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS», 2005, 44, pp. 47 - 74 [Scientific article]
Cicognani M.; Zanghirati L., On the Nonlinear Cauchy ProblemOperator Theory: Advances and Applications, in: D' ANCONA P.; GEORGIEV V.; KUBO H.; OHTA M.; NAKAO M.; YAGDJAN K.; CICOGNANI M.; ZANGHIRATI L.; DREHER M.; WITT I., New Trends in the Theory of Hyperbolic Equations, BASEL, Birk"auser, 2005, pp. 387 - 449 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications) [Chapter or essay]
Cicognani, Massimo; Ascanelli, A., Energy estimate and fundamental solution for degnerate hyperbolic Cauchy problem, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2005, 217, pp. 305 - 340 [Scientific article]
C.Parenti; A.Parmeggiani, On Hypoellipticity With a Big Loss of Derivatives, «KYUSHU JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2005, 59, pp. 155 - 230 [Scientific article]
Pierluigi Contucci; Oscar Bolina; Bruno Nachtergaele, path integral representation for the spin pinned quantum xxz model, «MARKOV PROCESSES AND RELATED FIELDS», 2005, 11, pp. 211 - 221 [Scientific article]