Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
Romani L, A circle-preserving C² Hermite interpolatory subdivision scheme with tension control, «COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN», 2010, 27, pp. 36 - 47 [Scientific article]
Conti C; Romani L, Affine combination of B-spline subdivision masks and its non-stationary counterparts, «BIT», 2010, 50, pp. 269 - 299 [Scientific article]
Moci L, Zonotopes, toric arrangements, and generalized Tutte polynomials, in: FPSAC'10 - 22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, 2010, pp. 413 - 424 (atti di: FPSAC 2010, San Francisco, 2-6/8/2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Gandini, J., Spherical orbit closures in simple projective spaces, «OBERWOLFACH REPORTS», 2010, 7, pp. 1116 - 1119 [Abstract]
M. FRANCA, Fowler transformation and radial solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations. Part 2: nonlinearities of mixed type, «ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA», 2010, 189, pp. 67 - 94 [Scientific article]
M. FRANCA, Radial ground states and singular ground states for a spatial dependent p-Laplace equation, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2010, 248, pp. 2629 - 2656 [Scientific article]
Biagioli R; Zeng J, On some analogous of Carlitz’s identity for the hyperoctahedral group, «SÉMINAIRE LOTHARINGIEN DE COMBINATOIRE», 2010, 61, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
HALLE L,, Stable reduction of curves and tame ramification, «MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT», 2010, 265, pp. 529 - 550 [Scientific article]
Halle L.H., Galois actions on Néron models of Jacobians, «ANNALES DE L'INSTITUT FOURIER», 2010, 60, pp. 853 - 903 [Scientific article]
Halle L.H.; Nicaise J., The Néron component series of an abelian variety, «MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN», 2010, 348, pp. 749 - 778 [Scientific article]
Santopuoli, N.; DE CRESCENZIO, F; Fantini, M; Persiani, F; Seccia, L, L'Ebe del Canova: modello digitale e sviluppi applicativi. Seconda parte, «ARCHEOMATICA», 2010, 1, pp. 40 - 43 [Scientific article] Open Access
NUCCI, Maria Clara; K. M. TAMIZHMANI, Using an old method of Jacobi to derive Lagrangians: a nonlinear dynamical system with variable coefficients, «IL NUOVO CIMENTO B», 2010, 125, pp. 255 - 269 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. LEACH, An algebraic approach to laying a ghost to rest, «PHYSICA SCRIPTA», 2010, 81, pp. 055003-1 - 055003-4 [Scientific article]
P. G. L. LEACH; NUCCI, Maria Clara, Point and counterpoint between Mathematical Physics and Physical Mathematics, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2010, 237, pp. 01201601 - 01201608 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; K. M. TAMIZHMANI, Lagrangians for dissipative nonlinear oscillators: the method of Jacobi Last Multiplier, «JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2010, 17, pp. 167 - 178 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. Leach, The quantisation of a fourth-order equation without a second-order Lagrangian, «JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2010, 17, pp. 485 - 490 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; A. M. ARTHURS, On the inverse problem of calculus of variations for fourth-order equations, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. SERIES A», 2010, 466, pp. 2309 - 2323 [Scientific article]
Beccari C.V.; Farella E.; Liverani A.; Morigi S.; Rucci M., A fast interactive reverse-engineering system, «COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN», 2010, 42, pp. 860 - 873 [Scientific article]
Federico S.; Goldys B.; Gozzi F., HJB equations for the optimal control of differential equations with delays and state constraints, I: Regularity of viscosity solutions, «SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION», 2010, 48, pp. 4910 - 4937 [Scientific article]
Galli, L.; Stiller, S., Strong formulations for the multi-module PESP and a quadratic algorithm for graphical diophantine equation systems, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2010, 6346, pp. 338 - 349 (atti di: 18th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2010, Liverpool, gbr, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]