Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
A. Lucchini; M. Morigi, Recognizing the prime divisors of the index of a proper subgroup, «JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA», 2011, 337, pp. 335 - 344 [Scientific article]
N. Zhao; A. Mentrelli; T. Ruggeri; M. Sugiyama, Admissible Shock Waves and Shock-Induced Phase Transitions in a van der Waals Fluid, «PHYSICS OF FLUIDS», 2011, 23, pp. 086101-1 - 086101-18 [Scientific article]
M. A. Boschetti; V. Maniezzo, Combining Exact Methods and Heuristics, in: J.J. COCHRAN L.A. COX P. KESKINOCAK J.P. KHAROUFEH J. COLE SMITH, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, HOBOKEN, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2011, pp. 747 - 755 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
R. Dieci; M. Gallegati, Multiple attractors and business fluctuations in a nonlinear macro-model with equity rationing, «MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING», 2011, 53, pp. 1298 - 1309 [Scientific article]
C. Chiarella; R. Dieci; X.-Z. He, The dynamic behaviour of asset prices in disequilibrium: a survey, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOURAL ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE», 2011, 2, pp. 101 - 139 [Scientific article]
C.Beccari; G.casciola; L.Romani, Non-uniform interpolatory curve subdivision with edge parameters built upon compactly supported fundamental splines, «BIT», 2011, 51, pp. 781 - 808 [Scientific article]
F. Caselli; R. Biagioli, Enumerating projective reflection groups, in: 23rd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2011), NANCY, Assoc. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., 2011, pp. 147 - 158 (atti di: Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2011), Reykjavik (Islanda), 13-17 Giugno 2011) [Abstract]
Montefusco L.; Lazzaro D.; Papi S., Fast Sparse Image Reconstruction using Adaptive Nonlinear Filtering, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING», 2011, 20 (2), pp. 534 - 544 [Scientific article]
G. Tomassini; S. Venturini, Contact Geometry of One-Dimensional Complex Foliations, «INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL», 2011, 60, pp. 661 - 676 [Scientific article]
L. Barzanti; M. Mastroleo, The effect of information on the performance of negotiation models, in: Economic Performance, NYC, Nova Science Publishers, 2011, pp. 167 - 206 [Chapter or essay]
E. Agliardi; R. Agliardi; M. Pinar; T. Stengos; N. Topaloglou, A stochastic dominance approach to sovereign risk, in: Proceedings XVIII Conference on Actuarial Risk Theory, CAMPOBASSO, E. Badolati, 2011, pp. 7 - 20 [Chapter or essay]
Paolo Albano, On the extension of the solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, «NONLINEAR ANALYSIS», 2011, 74, pp. 1421 - 1425 [Scientific article]
Paola Bandieri; Maria Rita Casali; Paola Cristofori; Luigi Grasselli; Michele Mulazzani, Computational aspects of crystallization theory: complexity, catalogues and classification of 3-manifolds, «ATTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO E FISICO DEL'UNIVERSITÀ DI MODENA E REGGIO EMILIA», 2011, 58, pp. 11 - 45 [Scientific article]
Vittorio Martino, A symmetry result on Reinhardt domains, «DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL EQUATIONS», 2011, 24, pp. 495 - 504 [Scientific article]
Vittorio Martino, A Legendre transform on an exotic S^3, «ADVANCED NONLINEAR STUDIES», 2011, 11, pp. 145 - 156 [Scientific article]
BOSCHIROLI M; FÜNFZIG C; ALBRECHT G; ROMANI L, Un survol des méthodes d’interpolation de maillages triangulaires G1-continues par blend rationnel, in: Actes des les Journées de Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique - GTMG 2011, 2011, pp. 73 - 81 (atti di: Journées de Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique - GTMG 2011, Grenoble (France), Mar.30-31, 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Saini L; Lissarrague N; Albrecht G; Fünfzig C; Bécar J-P; Romani L, Animation 3D: mouvements de caméra réalistes pour la stop motion, in: Hypermédias et pratiques numériques, Hermes Science Publications, 2011, pp. 137 - 143 (atti di: Hypermédias et pratiques numériques (H2PTM'11), Université Paul Verlaine - Metz (France), October 12-14, 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
SAINI L; LISSARRAGUE N; ALBRECHT G; ROMANI L, Stop-motion animation: towards a realistic 3D camera movement control, in: Proceedings of ISEA2011: the 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art, 2011, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: ISEA2011: the 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Istanbul (Turkey), September 14-21, 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Conti C; Romani L, Algebraic conditions on non-stationary subdivision symbols for exponential polynomial reproduction, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2011, 236, pp. 543 - 556 [Scientific article]
Saini L; Lissarrague N; Albrecht G; Romani L, Stop-motion animation: from a state of the art to an ideal process, «MATAPLI», 2011, 95, pp. 37 - 52 [Scientific article]