Mathematical physics


Francesca Brini

Associate Professor

keywords: Rational Extended Thermodynamics, Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, Non linear wave propagation, Heat and mass transfer
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Pierluigi Contucci

Full Professor

keywords: mathematical physics, statistical mechanics, disordered and complex systems, machine learning and artificial
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Giacomo De Palma

Full Professor

keywords: quantum information theory, quantum computing, quantum machine learning, quantum statistical mechanics
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Federica Gerace

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Inference, Optimization, Deep Learning applied to Health Care
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Antonella Grassi

Full Professor

keywords: Birational Geometry, Singularities, Elliptic fibrations, in particular Calabi Yau varieties and applications to String
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Emanuele Latini

Associate Professor

keywords: Cartan Geometry, Quantum geometry and quantum gravity, Higher spin gauge theory

Anderson Melchor Hernandez

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

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Andrea Mentrelli

Associate Professor

keywords: extended thermodynamics, hyperbolic systems, plasma modelling
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Emanuele Mingione

Associate Professor

keywords: mathematical physics, statistical mechanics, disordered and complex systems, spin glasses, monomer- dimer models,

Roberta Nibbi

Associate Professor

keywords: asymptotic behavior, thermo-viscous-elastic plate, phase transition , porous-thermo-elasticity, thermodynamics,

Maria Clara Nucci

Full Professor

keywords: Lie and Noether Symmetries
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Davide Pastorello

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum information theory, quantum computing, quantum machine learning
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Leonardo Seccia

Associate Professor

keywords: wave propagation, shape memory alloys, cultural heritage, extended thermodynamics, non destructive tests
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Gabriele Sicuro

Associate Professor

keywords: Machine learning, Random optimization problems, Statistical inference, Random matching problems
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Daniele Tantari

Associate Professor

keywords: Statistical Mechanics, Spin Glasses, Neural Networks, Random Graphs, Quantitative Finance, Statistical Inference,