Statistical Mechanics and applications

The research group deals with the statistical mechanics of disordered systems by studying both classical and quantum models that contain deterministic and random interactions. In particular we are interested in spin glass models both in finite dimensional geometries and in the mean-field version, in monomer-dimer models with hard-core and attractive interactions. Another topic of great importance for the group is the study of those random systems that are of interest for machine learning and inference from both a theoretical and an applied point of view.

Among the applications, the group deals with both the analysis of data coming from the social and economic sciences and their fitting with theoretical models. As case studies the group worked on the problems of migratory fluxes and on those of medical screening programs.


Pierluigi Contucci

Full Professor


Giacomo De Palma

Full Professor

Emanuele Mingione

Associate Professor

Gabriele Sicuro

Associate Professor

Daniele Tantari

Associate Professor

Research fellows - Ph.D. Students:

Gianluca Manzan

Research fellow

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

External Collaborators:

Diego Alberici (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila)

Francesco Camilli (ICTP Trieste)

Filippo Zimmaro (Dottorato nazionale in Intelligenza Artificiale - PhD-AI)