Manifolds and groups in Bologna

Workshop funded by GNSAGA (INdAM)

  • Date: from 22 March 2023 to 23 March 2023

  • Event location: Department of Mathematics - room: Aula Pincherle - 2nd floor

  • Access Details: Free admission subject to enrolment

The aim of this workshop is to bring together young researchers working in low-dimensional topology and geometric group theory in a broad sense. The event consists in main lectures and shorter talks in order to give the opportunity to young researchers to present their own research.
The workshop is hosted by the University of Bologna and it is sponsored by the GNSAGA (INdAM).

After the workshop, the University of Bologna will host the Attività presso l’Unità di Ricerca INdAM “Non-positive curvature in manifolds and groups” (March 24,  2023), sponsored by INdAM. This one-day event will consist in four main lectures given by international speakers.

Main Speakers

  • Gianluca Faraco Università di Milano Bicocca "Period realisation of meromorphic differentials"
  • Francesco Fournier Facio ETH Zurich "Groups not acting on hyperbolic spaces"
  • Alessio Savini Université de Genève "The mysterious... punctured plane"

Junior Speakers

  • Federica Bertolotti SNS Pisa "Triangulation Complexity and Integral simplicial volume"
  • Viola Giovannini Université du Luxembourg "Renormalized volume of convex cocompact hyperbolic 3-manifolds"
  • Giovanni Italiano SNS Pisa "Hyperbolic manifolds fibering over the circle"
  • Bianca Marchionna Università di Milano Bicocca "Trees, buildings and their interactions"
  • Matteo Migliorini SNS Pisa "Smoothing circle-valued Morse functions"
  • Francesco Milizia SNS Pisa "Simplicial volume and the reflection trick"
  • Diego Santoro SNS Pisa "An introduction to the L-space conjecture"
  • Matteo Tarocchi Università di Pavia "Thompson-like groups acting on fractals"
  • Enrico Trebeschi Università di Pavia "Constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in Anti-de Sitter space"



Ludovico Battista, Stefano Francaviglia, Marco Moraschini and Stefano Riolo Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Filippo Sarti Università di Torino