Spectral Theory

Areas: Analysis

Research activities of the group:

  • spectral analysis of systems of equations with polynomial coefficients, and properties of the associated spectral zeta functions;
  • semiclassical analysis of the pseudospectrum of hypoelliptic operators that lose many derivatives;
  • semiclassical structure of wave-functions of quantum Hamiltonians on flat tori, in terms of weak KAM tori;
  • integrable Hamiltonian systems;
  • isospectral systems;
  • spectral theory of singular integral operators with holomorphic kernel on complex domains with limited smoothness.


Nicola Abatangelo

Associate Professor

Simonetta Abenda

Associate Professor

Loredana Lanzani

Full Professor

Alberto Parmeggiani

Full Professor

Research fellows - Ph.D. Students

External Collaborators:

Masato Wakayama, Karel Pravda-Starov, Lorenzo Zanelli, Petr Grinevich, Marco Bertola, Tamara Grava, Christian Klein, Dave Barett.