Mathematics: data and modeling


keywords: management science, business analytics, prescriptive analytics, mathematical programming, combinatorial optimization,

Giovanna Citti

Full Professor

keywords: Analysis in Lie groups and subriemannian structures, surfaces in subriemannian setting, subelliptic equations,
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Pierluigi Contucci

Full Professor

keywords: mathematical physics, statistical mechanics, disordered and complex systems, machine learning and artificial
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Giacomo De Palma

Full Professor

keywords: quantum information theory, quantum computing, quantum machine learning, quantum statistical mechanics
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Cristina Di Girolami

Assistant professor

keywords: Stochastic Analisys, Optimal Control, Stochastic calculus for Banach space valued processes
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Gianluca Giacchi

PhD Student

keywords: Harmonic Analysis, Complex Analysis, Compressed Sensing Theory for MRI
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Liwei Hu

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Landslide Thickness Estimation, Landslide Detection, Inverse Problems in Engineering, Deep Learning for Science

Alessandro Lanza

Associate Professor

keywords: numerical methods for non-linear, non-differentiable and non-convex optimization, inverse problems in imaging,
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Fabrizio Lillo

Full Professor

keywords: Quantitative finance,, High frequency finance, Market microstructure, Financial networks, Systemic risk, Financial
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Emanuele Mingione

Associate Professor

keywords: mathematical physics, statistical mechanics, disordered and complex systems, spin glasses, monomer- dimer models,
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Serena Morigi

Full Professor

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Davide Palitta

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Numerical Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, Matrix Equations
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Giovanni Paolini

Associate Professor

keywords: Combinatorics, Topology, Group theory, Deep learning, Natural language processing
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Andrea Pascucci

Full Professor

keywords: Stochastic analysis, Stochastic (ordinary and partial) differential equations, Hypoelliptic equations,
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Giuseppe Antonio Recupero

PhD Student

Research fellow

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Michele Ruggeri

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: numerical approximation of partial differential equations, finite element methods, nonlinear PDEs in materials science,
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Valeria Simoncini

Full Professor

keywords: matrix equations, iterative methods for the solution of algebraic linear systems and for eigenvalue problems,
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Giovanni Vito Spinelli

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Daniele Tantari

Associate Professor

keywords: Statistical Mechanics, Spin Glasses, Neural Networks, Random Graphs, Quantitative Finance, Statistical Inference,
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Maria Carla Tesi

Associate Professor

keywords: mathematical models of AD, Carnot groups, differential forms, compensated compactness, homogenization, statistical
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Fabiana Zama

Associate Professor

keywords: Parameter estimation algorithms, NMR data inversion, regularization methods, finite difference schemes, nonlinear
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Paolo Zuzolo

PhD Student

Teaching tutor