Computational mathematics


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Carolina Vittoria Beccari

Associate Professor

keywords: Computer-Aided Design, Approximation, Splines, Interpolation, Geometric modeling, Subdivision schemes, Numerical
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Giulio Casciola

Full Professor

keywords: Surface Reconstruction, Spline, NURBS, RBF, Subdivision Curves/Surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design
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Liwei Hu

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Inverse Problems in Engineering, Deep Learning for Science, Parameter Estimation, Landslides
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Martin Huska

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Image Processing, Geometry Processing, Inverse Problems
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Germana Landi

Associate Professor

keywords: image restoration, ill-posed inverse problems, constrained optimization

Alessandro Lanza

Associate Professor

keywords: numerical methods for non-linear, non-differentiable and non-convex optimization, inverse problems in imaging,
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Serena Morigi

Full Professor

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Davide Palitta

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Numerical Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, Matrix Equations
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Giovanni Paolini

Associate Professor

keywords: Combinatorics, Topology, Group theory, Deep learning, Natural language processing
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Andrea Pascucci

Full Professor

keywords: Stochastic analysis, Stochastic (ordinary and partial) differential equations, Hypoelliptic equations,

Sascha Portaro

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Giuseppe Antonio Recupero

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Lucia Romani

Full Professor

keywords: Computer Aided Geometric Design, Curve and surface modelling, Splines, Pythagorean-Hodograph curves, Subdivision
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Michele Ruggeri

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: numerical approximation of partial differential equations, finite element methods, nonlinear PDEs in materials science,
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Valeria Simoncini

Full Professor

keywords: matrix equations, iterative methods for the solution of algebraic linear systems and for eigenvalue problems,
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Silvia Tozza

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Shape-from-X problems, non-Lambertian reflectance models, numerical methods for PDEs, Image
keywords: graphs, posets, matroids, simplicial complexes, Bruhat-Tits buildings
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Fabiana Zama

Associate Professor

keywords: Parameter estimation algorithms, NMR data inversion, regularization methods, finite difference schemes, nonlinear
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Paolo Zuzolo

PhD Student

Teaching tutor