Algebra and combinatorics


foto della persona

Luca Battistella

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, tropical geometry, enumerative geometry

Riccardo Biagioli

Associate Professor

keywords: Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics, Coxeter group theory

Andrea Brini

Full Professor

keywords: Lie Superalgebras, Transvectants, Invariant theory, Young tableaux, Algebraic Combinatorics
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Nicoletta Cantarini

Full Professor

keywords: n-algebras, Lie superalgebras, Lie algebras, Representation Theory
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Fabrizio Caselli

Full Professor

keywords: Representation theory, Coxeter groups, Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, Lie superalgebras

Alessandro D'Andrea

Full Professor

keywords: Vertex algebras, Lie conformal algebras, Lie Pseudoalgebras, Representation Theory, Compact quantum groups,

Stefano Francaviglia

Full Professor

keywords: hyperbolic, topology, outer space, representation, manifold, currents, fundamental group, triangulation, low dimension,
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Jacopo Gandini

Associate Professor

keywords: representation theory; algebraic groups; flag varieties; symmetric varieties; spherical varieties
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Antonella Grassi

Full Professor

keywords: Birational Geometry, Singularities, Elliptic fibrations, in particular Calabi Yau varieties and applications to String

Martino Lupini

Full Professor

keywords: Descriptive Set Theory, Category Theory, Homological Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Operator Algebra, Ergodic Theory,
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Luca Moci

Full Professor

keywords: I am interested in applications of Combinatorics to: Representation Theory, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry,
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Marta Morigi

Associate Professor

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Claudio Onorati

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Algebraic geometry; moduli spaces of sheaves; irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties; formality problems in
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Roberto Pagaria

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: matroids, arrangements, cohomology, configuration spaces
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Giovanni Paolini

Associate Professor

keywords: Combinatorics, Topology, Group theory, Deep learning, Natural language processing
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Andrea Petracci

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Algebraic geometry, Algebraic varieties, Fano varieties, Toric varieties, Deformation theory, Mirror symmetry
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Francesco Regonati

Assistant professor

keywords: Lie Superalgebras, Cayley-Grassmann algebras, Classical invariant theory
keywords: graphs, posets, matroids, simplicial complexes, Bruhat-Tits buildings