Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
R. Agliardi; P. Popivanov; A. Slavova, A general framework for some economic problems with uncertainty and exogenous barriers, «ECONOMIC MODELLING», 2012, 29, pp. 2320 - 2324 [Scientific article]
P. Albano, On the eikonal equation for degenerate elliptic operators, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 140, pp. 1739 - 1747 [Scientific article]
E. Agliardi; R. Agliardi; M. Pinar; T. Stengos; N. Topaloglou, A new country risk index for emerging markets: a stochastic dominance approach, «JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE», 2012, 19, pp. 741 - 761 [Scientific article]
R. Cesari, Mark-to-Market, valutazioni di convenienza economico-finanziaria e giurisprudenza, «RIVISTA DI DIRITTO BANCARIO», 2012, 2012, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]
R. Cesari, Economia e Diritto: dalla coerenza al conflitto nella sentenza di Cass., Sez. 2^ del 21.12.2011, «RIVISTA DI DIRITTO BANCARIO», 2012, 2012, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
R. Agliardi; P. Popivanov; A. Slavova, Boundary-value problems for second order partial differential equations arising in risk management and cellular neural networks approach, in: Risk management. Current issues and challenges, RIJEKA,, 2012, pp. 31 - 54 [Chapter or essay]
L. Barzanti; S. Giove, A decision support system for fund raising management based on the Choquet integral methodology, «EXPERT SYSTEMS», 2012, 29 (4), pp. 359 - 373 [Scientific article]
L. Barzanti; M. Mastroleo, An improved two-party negotiation over continues issues method secure against manipulatory behavior, in: Mathematics - Optimization and Control, NYC, Cornell University Library, 2012, pp. 1 - 12 [Chapter or essay]
L. Barzanti; M. Mastroleo, On the Actual Inefficiency of Efficient Negotiation Methods, in: Mathematics - Optimization and Control, NYC, Cornell University Library, 2012, pp. 1 - 24 [Chapter or essay]
L. Barzanti; M. Mastroleo, The effect of information on the performance of negotiation models, in: Economic Performance, NYC, Nova Science Publishers, 2012, pp. 167 - 206 [Chapter or essay]
G. Citti; C. Senni, Constant mean curvature graphs on exterior domains of the hyperbolic plane, «MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT», 2012, 272, pp. 531 - 550 [Scientific article]
D. Frascari; R. Ciavarelli; D. Pinelli; F. Zama, Biodegradazione aerobica cometabolica di cloroformio in un reattore a letto impaccato: calibrazione del modello cinetico e fluidodinamico tramite applicazione del metodo di Gauss-Newton, in: Convegno GRICU 2012 - Ingegneria Chimica: dalla nanoscala alla macroscala, s.l, s.n, 2012, pp. 161 - 165 (atti di: Convegno GRICU 2012 - Ingegneria Chimica: dalla nanoscala alla macroscala, Montesilvano (PE), 16-19 Settembre 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
E. Barbera; F. Brini, An extended thermodynamics description of stationary heat transfer in binary gas mixtures confined in radial symmetric bounded domains, «CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS», 2012, 24, pp. 313 - 331 [Scientific article]
E. Manfredi; M. Mulazzani, Reidemeister type moves for knots and links in lens spaces, «ANALELE UNIVERSITAţII OVIDIUS CONSTANTA. SERIA MATEMATICA», 2012, 20 (2), pp. 115 - 130 [Scientific article]
S. Francaviglia; R. Frigerio; B. Martelli, Stable complexity and simplicial volume of manifolds, «JOURNAL OF TOPOLOGY», 2012, 5, pp. 977 - 1010 [Scientific article]
E. Barbera; F. Brini, Mathematical and Physical Properties of an Extended Thermodynamics Multi-temperature Model for the Description of Gas Mixtures, «ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE», 2012, 122, pp. 19 - 35 [Scientific article]
M. Cicognani; F. Colombini, Modulus of continuity and decay at infinity in evolution equations with real characteristics, in: Evolution equations of hyperbolic and Schroedinger type, BASEL, Birkauser, 2012, pp. 53 - 62 [Chapter or essay]
A. Bianchi; M. Campanino; I. Crimaldi;, Asymptotic Normality of a Hurst Parameter Estimator Based on the Modified Allan Variance., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS», 2012, 2012, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]
V. Simoncini, Reduced order solution of structured linear systems arising in certain PDE-constrained optimization problems, «COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS», 2012, 53, pp. 591 - 617 [Scientific article]
Lars Eldén; V. Simoncini, Solving ill-posed Linear Systems with GMRES and a singular Preconditioner, «SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2012, 33, pp. 1369 - 1394 [Scientific article]