Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
F. Ferrari, Soluzioni stabili di equazioni semilineari e disuguaglianze di tipo Poincaré con curvature nel gruppo di Heisenberg, in: Seminario di Analisi Matematica "Bruno Pini", BOLOGNA, Tecnoprint, 2009, pp. 43 - 60 [Chapter or essay]
Grecchi V.; Maioli M.; Martinez A., Pade summability of the cubic oscillator, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2009, 42, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]
M. Mughetti; F. Nicola, On the positive parts of second order symmetric pseudodifferential operators, «INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY», 2009, 64, pp. 553 - 572 [Scientific article]
F. Ferrari; E. Valdinoci, Geometric PDEs in the Grushin Plane: Weighted Inequalities and Flatness of Level Sets, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2009, 22, pp. 4232 - 4270 [Scientific article]
Natascia Angelini; Roberto Dieci; Franco Nardini, Bifurcation analysis of a dynamic duopoly model with heterogeneous costs and behavioural rules, «MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION», 2009, 79, n° 10, pp. 3179 - 3196 [Scientific article]
C. Beccari; G. Casciola; L. Romani, Shape controlled interpolatory ternary subdivision, «APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION», 2009, 215, pp. 916 - 927 [Scientific article]
S. Abenda, Reciprocal transformations and local Hamiltonian structures of hydrodynamic-type systems, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2009, 42, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]
A. Pascucci; S. Polidoro; A. Carciola, Harnack inequality and no-arbitrage bounds for self-financing portfolios, «BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE MATEMATICA APLICADA», 2009, 49, pp. 15 - 27 [Scientific article]
G. Cupini; M. Guidorzi; C. Marcelli, Existence of minimizers of free autonomous variational problems via solvability of constrained ones, «ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARÉ. ANALYSE NON LINÉAIRE», 2009, 26, pp. 1183 - 1205 [Scientific article]
A. Pascucci; L. Monti, Obstacle problem for Arithmetic Asian options, «COMPTES RENDUS MATHÉMATIQUE», 2009, 347, pp. 1443 - 1446 [Scientific article]
W. J. Runggaldier; A. Pascucci, Finanza Matematica - Teoria e problemi per modelli multiperiodali, MILANO, Springer, 2009, pp. 264 (Springer Unitext). [Research monograph]
F. Caselli, Combinatorial invariant theory of projective reflection groups, in: 21st International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2009), s.l, DMCTS Proceedings, 2009, pp. 277 - 288 (atti di: 21st International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2009), Hagenberg (Austria), 20-24 Luglio, 2009) [Abstract]
E. Caliceti; S. Graffi, Reality and non-reality of the spectrum of PT -symmetric operators: Operator-theoretic criteria, «PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS», 2009, 73, No. 2, pp. 241 - 249 [Scientific article]
L. ELden; V. Simoncini, Solving Ill-Posed Cauchy Problems by a Krylov Subspace Method, «INVERSE PROBLEMS», 2009, 25, pp. 065002-1 - 065002-22 [Scientific article]
M. Pennacchio; V. Simoncini, Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for the Bidomain Reaction--Diffusion system, «APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS», 2009, 59, pp. 3033 - 3050 [Scientific article]
N. Gould; V. Simoncini, Spectral Analysis of saddle point matrices with indefinite leading blocks, «SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2009, 31, pp. 1152 - 1171 [Scientific article]
A. Frommer; V. Simoncini, Error bounds for Lanczos approximations of rational functions of matrices, in: Numerical Validation, series in Mathematics in Industry, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2009, 5492, pp. 203 - 216 (atti di: Dagstuhl Workshop on Interval arithmetic, 2008, Dagstuhl, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Sarti A.; Citti G.; Petitot J., Functional Geometry of the Horizontal Connectivity in the Primary Visual Cortex, «JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY», 2009, 103, pp. 37 - 45 [Scientific article]
A. Brini, A Glimpse of Vector Invariant Theory. The Points of View of Weyl, Rota, De Concini and Procesi, and Grosshans, in: E. DAMIANI, O. D'ANTONA, V. MARRA, F. PALOMBI, From Combinatorics to Philosophy. The Legacy of G.-C. Rota., NEW YORK, Springer Verlag, 2009, pp. 25 - 43 [Chapter or essay]
S. Francaviglia, Constructing equivariant maps for representations, «ANNALES DE L'INSTITUT FOURIER», 2009, 59(1), pp. 393 - 428 [Scientific article]