Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
A. Amoroso; G. Casciola, Fast Bivariate Function Rendering for Small Devices, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS AND APPLICATIONS», 2006, 28, pp. 321 - 328 [Scientific article]
B. Franchi; N. Tchou; M.C. Tesi, div-curl Type Theorem, H-Convergence, and Stokes Formula in the Heisenberg Group, «COMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS», 2006, 8, pp. 1 - 33 [Scientific article]
Agliardi R., Options to expand:some remarks, «FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS», 2006, 3, pp. 65 - 72 [Scientific article]
F. Brini; T. Ruggeri, On the perturbed Riemann Problem in Extended Thermodynamics, «RENDICONTI DEL CIRCOLO MATEMATICO DI PALERMO. SUPPLEMENTO», 2006, 78, pp. 31 - 44 [Scientific article]
A. Mentrelli; T. Ruggeri, Asymptotic Behavior of Riemann and Riemann with Structure Problems for a 2x2 Hyperbolic Dissipative System, «RENDICONTI DEL CIRCOLO MATEMATICO DI PALERMO. SUPPLEMENTO», 2006, 78, pp. 201 - 226 [Scientific article]
A. Muracchini; L. Seccia, Heat propagation with two relaxation times via Extended Thermodynamics., «RENDICONTI DEL CIRCOLO MATEMATICO DI PALERMO. SUPPLEMENTO», 2006, 78, pp. 227 - 241 [Scientific article]
S. Morigi; F. Sgallari; L.Reichel, An Iterative Lavrentiev regularization method, «BIT», 2006, 46(3), pp. 589 - 606 [Scientific article]
M. Di francesco; P. Foschi; A. Pascucci, Analysis of an uncertain volatility model, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS & DECISION SCIENCES», 2006, 2006, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access
M. A. Boschetti; R. Gabrielli; A. Guidazzi; V. Maniezzo; M. Roffilli, Origin-Destination Traffic Flow Modelling at Subregional Level, in: Proc. AIRO 2006, CESENA, AIRO, 2006, pp. 154 - 154 (atti di: AIRO 2006, Cesena, 12 - 15 / 2006) [Abstract]
F. Ferrari, Harnack inequality for two-weight subelliptic p-Laplace operators, «MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2006, 279, 8, pp. 815 - 830 [Scientific article]
F. Ferrari, Two-phase problems for a class of fully nonlinear elliptic operators. Lipschitz free boundaries are $C^{1,gamma}$, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2006, 128, 3, pp. 541 - 571 [Scientific article]
F. Ferrari; B. Franchi; G. Lu, On a relative Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalitiy for convex bodies in Euclidean spaces, «FORUM MATHEMATICUM», 2006, 18, pp. 907 - 921 [Scientific article]
G.Landi; F.Zama, The Active Set Method for non negative regularization of linear ill-posed problems, «APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION», 2006, 175, pp. 715 - 729 [Scientific article]
V. Colombo; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli, Numerical simulation of magnetically deflected transferred arc, in: "WASCOM 2005" 13th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, HACKENSACK, NJ, World Sci. Publ., 2006, pp. 134 - 139 (atti di: WASCOM 2005 - 13th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, Acireale, Italy, 9-25 June, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Monti; D. Morbidelli, Kelvin transform for Grushin operators and critical semilinear equations., «DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL», 2006, 131, pp. 167 - 202 [Scientific article]
A. Agliari; R. Dieci, Coexistence of attractors and homoclinic loops in a Kaldor-like bysiness cycle model, in: T. PUU I. SUSHKO, Business Cycle Dynamics - Models and Tools, BERLIN, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp. 223 - 254 [Chapter or essay]
A. Agliari; G.I. Bischi; R. Dieci; L. Gardini, Homoclinic tangles associated with closed invariant curves in families of 2-D maps, «GRAZER MATHEMATISCHE BERICHTE», 2006, 350, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]
N.Arcozzi; D.Morbidelli, A global Inverse Map Theorem and biLipschitz maps in the Heisenberg group, «ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE 7: SCIENZE MATEMATICHE», 2006, 52, pp. 189 - 197 [Scientific article]
A. Lanza; L. Di Stefano, Detecting Changes in Grey Level Sequences by ML Isotonic Regression, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, PISCATAWAY, IEEE, 2006(atti di: IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, Sidney, 22-24 Novembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]