Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
A. Bevilacqua; L. Di Stefano; A. Lanza, An Efficient Change Detection Algorithm Based on a Statistical Non-Parametric Camera Noise Model, in: MENG-HWA, A. KOT, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004), s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 2347 - 2350 (atti di: The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004), Singapore, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Brini F. ; Ruggeri T., The Riemann Problem for a Binary Non-Reacting Mixture of Euler Fluids, in: Proceedings WASCOM 2003., SINGAPORE, World Scientific, 2004, pp. 102 - 108 [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Citti; G. Tomassini;, Levi equation for almost complex structures., «REVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA», 2004, 20, pp. 151 - 182 [Scientific article]
R. Monti; D. Morbidelli, John domains for the control distance of diagonal vector fields, «JOURNAL D'ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE», 2004, 92, pp. 259 - 284 [Scientific article]
R. Monti; D. Morbidelli, The isoperimetric inequality in the Grushin plane, «THE JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS», 2004, 14, pp. 355 - 368 [Scientific article]
V. Simoncini; M. Pennacchio, The behavior of symmetric Krylov subspace methods for solving M x= (M - [gamma] I)v., «LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS», 2004, 380, pp. 53 - 71 [Scientific article]
V.Simoncini, Block triangular preconditioners for Symmetric Saddle-Point problems, «APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS», 2004, 49, pp. 63 - 80 [Scientific article]
V. Simoncini; M. Benzi, Spectral Properties of the Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting Preconditioner for Saddle Point Problems, «SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2004, 26, pp. 377 - 389 [Scientific article]
H. Aydin; I. Gultekyn; M. Mulazzani, Torus knots and Dunwoody manifolds, «SIBERIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL», 2004, 45, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
A. Cattabriga; M. Mulazzani, (1,1)-knots via the mapping class group of the twice punctured torus, «ADVANCES IN GEOMETRY», 2004, 4, pp. 263 - 277 [Scientific article]
A. Cattabriga; M. Mulazzani, All strongly-cyclic branched coverings of (1,1)-knots are Dunwoody manifolds, «JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2004, 70, pp. 512 - 528 [Scientific article]
D. Derevnin; A. Mednykh; M. Mulazzani, Volumes for twist link cone-manifolds, «BOLETÍN DE LA SOCIEDAD MATEMÁTICA MEXICANA», 2004, 10, special issue, pp. 129 - 146 [Scientific article]
M.A. de Cataldo; L.Migliorini, The Chow motive of a semismall resolution, «MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2004, 11, pp. 151 - 170 [Scientific article]
M.A. de Cataldo; L.Migliorini, The Gysin map is compatible with mixed Hodge structure, in: Workshop on algebraic structures and moduli spaces, MONTREAL, Centre de Recerches Mathematiques, 2004, 38, pp. 133 - 138 (atti di: Algebraic structures and moduli spaces, Montreal, 14-20 Luglio 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Lucchini; F. Menegazzo; M. Morigi, Complements of the socle in almost simple groups, «RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO DELL'UNIVERSITA' DI PADOVA», 2004, 112, pp. 141 - 163 [Scientific article]
D. Bernardi; V. Colombo; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli, Numerical simulation for the characterization of operating conditions of RF–RF hybrid plasma torches, «THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. D, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS», 2004, 28, pp. 399 - 422 [Scientific article]
C. Chiarella; R. Dieci; L. Gardini, A dynamic analysis of speculation across two markets, in: The Complex Dynamics of Economic Interaction, BERLIN, Springer, 2004, pp. 197 - 212 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (ISSN:0075-8442); 531 (Part III)) [Chapter or essay]
V. Colombo; D. Bernardi; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli; T. Trombetti, Three dimensional modelling of inductively coupled plasma torches: comparison with experiments and applications, in: AUTORI VARI, Sbornik Abstractu 21. Symposia o fyzice a technologii plazmatu, PRAGA, Organizacni vybor symposia ve spolupraci s katedro, 2004, pp. 98 - 98 (atti di: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT-21), Praga, Czech Republic, 14 -17 giugno 2004) [Abstract]
D. Bernardi; V. Colombo; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli, Time Dependent 3-D Modelling of Inductively Coupled Plasma Torches, in: AUTORI VARI, Book 1 - Plenary and Parallel Sessions, s.l, s.n, 2004(atti di: 16th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-16), Venice, Italy, 28 june - 2 july 2004) [Abstract]
V. Colombo; D. Bernardi; E. Ghedini; A. Mentrelli; T. Trombetti, 3-D numerical analysis of powder injection in various ICPT configurations, in: AUTORI VARI, Book 1 - Plenary and Parallel Sessions, s.l, s.n, 2004(atti di: 16th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-16), Venice, Italy, 28 june - 2 july 2004) [Abstract]