Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
Bagno E; Biagioli R, Colored-descent representations of complex reflection groups G(r, p, n), «ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2007, 160, pp. 317 - 347 [Scientific article]
Biagioli R; Faridi S; Rosas M, Resolutions of De Concini-Procesi ideals of hooks, «COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA», 2007, 35, pp. 3875 - 3891 [Scientific article]
Morigi, S.; Sgallari, F., An high order finite co-volume scheme for denoising using radial basis functions, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2007, pp. 43 - 54 (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) [Chapter or essay]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. LEACH, Lie integrable cases of the simplified multistrain/two-stream model for tuberculosis and Dengue fever, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2007, 333, pp. 430 - 449 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara, Jacobi last multiplier, Lie symmetries, and hidden linearity: "goldfishes" galore, «THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2007, 151, pp. 851 - 862 [Scientific article]
M.C. NUCCI, Solution to problem 2007-2: Ground State for a Laplacian, «ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2007, Problem Section, pp. 1 - 2 [Scientific article]
A. GRADASSI; NUCCI, Maria Clara, Hidden linearity in systems for competition with evolution in ecology and finance, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2007, 333, pp. 274 - 294 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. LEACH, Fuch's solution of Painleve' VI equation by means of Jacobi last multiplier, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2007, 48, pp. 013514-1 - 013514-7 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. LEACH, Lagrangians galore, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2007, 48, pp. 123510-1 - 123510-16 [Scientific article]
Cattabriga, Alessia, The Alexander polynomial of (1,1)-knots, «JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS», 2006, 15, pp. 1119 - 1129 [Scientific article]
Cicognani, Massimo; Colombini, F., Modulus of continuity of the coefficients and loss of derivatives in the strictly hyperbolic Cauchy problem, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2006, 221, pp. 143 - 157 [Scientific article]
S. MORIGI; L. REICHEL; F. SGALLARI; F. ZAMA, Iterative methods for ill-posed problems and semiconvergent sequences, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2006, 193(1), pp. 157 - 167 [Scientific article]
F. Da Lio; A. Montanari, Existence and Uniqueness of Lipschitz Continuous Graphs with Prescribed Levi Curvature, «ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARÉ. ANALYSE NON LINÉAIRE», 2006, 23, pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article]
A.Martinez; S.Nakamura; V.Sordoni, Analytic smoothing effect for the Schroedinger equation with long range perturbation, «COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2006, LIX, pp. 1330 - 1351 [Scientific article]
A. Pascucci ; S. Polidoro, Harnack inequalities and Gaussian estimates for a class of hypoelliptic operators, «TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2006, 358-11, pp. 4873 - 4893 [Scientific article]
A. Bonfiglioli; F. Uguzzoni, Maximum principle and propagation for intrinsicly regular solutions of differential inequalities structured on vector fields, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2006, 322, pp. 886 - 900 [Scientific article]
Albano P.; Bove A., Analytic stratifications of the cut locus for a class of distance functions, «ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2006, 154, pp. 61 - 91 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; R.Rochberg; E. Sawyer, Carleson Measures and Interpolating Sequences for Besov Spaces on Complex Balls, «MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2006, 859, pp. 1 - 163 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; E. Casadio-Tarabusi; F. Di Biase; M. Picardello, Twist points of planar domains, «TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2006, 358, pp. 2781 - 2798 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; S. Barza; J. L. Garcia-Domingo; J. Soria, Hardy's inequalities for monotone functions on partly ordered measure spaces, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. SECTION A. MATHEMATICS», 2006, 136, pp. 909 - 919 [Scientific article]