Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
E. J. Janse van Rensburg; E. Orlandini; M.C. Tesi; S.G. Whittington, Knotting in stretched polygons, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2008, 41, pp. 015003 - 015003+24 [Scientific article]
E. J. Janse van Rensburg; E. Orlandini; M.C. Tesi; S.G. Whittington, Knot probability of polygons subjected to a force: a Monte Carlo study., «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2008, 41, pp. 025003 - 025003+13 [Scientific article]
L. Di Stefano; F. Tombari; A. Lanza; S. Mattoccia; S. Monti, Graffiti Detection Using Two Views, in: Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Visual Surveillance (VS2008), s.l, s.n, 2008, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: European Computer Vision Conference (ECCV 2008) - Eighth International Workshop on Visual Surveillance (VS2008), Marsiglia, 17 Ottobre 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Cesari, Introduzione alla Finanza Matematica: Derivati, prezzi e coperture, MILANO, Springer, 2008, pp. 462 . [Research monograph]
R. Barone; A.G. Quaranta, Banking Competition, Switching Cost and Customer Vulnerability: tha case of South Italy, «THE ICFAI JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE», 2008, 1, pp. 6 - 27 [Scientific article]
A.G. Quaranta, Attribuzione dello Scoring Aziendale nel contesto Basilea 2, «BANCHE E BANCHIERI», 2008, 2, pp. 125 - 137 [Scientific article]
A.G. Quaranta; A. Zaffaroni, Robust Optimization of Conditional Value at Risk and Portfolio Selection, «JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE», 2008, 32, pp. 2045 - 2056 [Scientific article]
R. Barone; A.G. Quaranta, Basilea 2: Rating Interno, Probabilità di Default e Componente Qualitativa del Rischio, in: Banche Italiane e Governo dei Rischi: Imprese, Famiglie, Regole, ROMA, Edibank, 2008, pp. 449 - 472 (Tredicesimo Rapporto sul Sistema Finanziario Italiano) [Chapter or essay]
M. Biasin; A.G. Quaranta, Regulatory and Market Constraints' Effects on REITs' Capital Structure and Share Value. Debt Incentive and NAV Discount Effects, in: Abstracts and Extended Papers, KRAKOW, ERES, 2008, pp. 170 - 189 (atti di: XV Annual conference European Real Estate Society, Krakow, 18/21 Giugno) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Cesari; A.G. Quaranta, Robust CVaR Portfolio Management, in: Abstracts (CD-ROM), TRENTO, AMASES - Università di Trento, 2008(atti di: XXXII Convegno AMASES, Trento, 1/4 Settembre) [Abstract]
R. Cesari; A.G. Quaranta, Robust Portfolio Management, in: Abstract Book (CD-ROM), LECCE, MTISD - Università del Salento, 2008, pp. 41 - 41 (atti di: MTISD 2008, Lecce, 18/20 Settembre) [Abstract]
Annamaria Montanari, On a class of geometric PDE's: the prescribed Levi curvature equation, «LECTURE NOTES OF SEMINARIO INTERDISCIPLINARE DI MATEMATICA», 2008, 7, pp. 223 - 235 [Scientific article]
A. Baldi; B. Franchi; M.C. Tesi, Differential forms, Maxwell equations and compensated compactness in Carnot groups, in: null, 2008, 7, pp. 21 - 40 (atti di: Geometric Methods in PDE's, Bologna, May 27-30, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Cesari; C. D'Adda, An 'ordinal utility' theory of choice under uncertainty, in: Metodi, modelli e tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto delle decisioni. I. Metodologie, MILANO, Franco Angeli, 2008, pp. 88 - 110 (atti di: Metodi, modelli e tecnologie dell'informazione a supporto delle decisioni, Procida, 24-26 giugno 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Cesari; C. D'Adda, An 'ordinal utility' theory of choice under uncertainty, in: . I Metodologie, MILANO, Franco Angeli, 2008, pp. 88 - 110 [Chapter or essay]
P.Contucci; C.Giardina, Statistical Mechanics on random Structures, BOSTON, American Institute of Physics, 2008, pp. 344 (Journal of Mathematical Physics). [Editorship]
A. Mentrelli; M. Sugiyama; N. Zhao, Interaction Between a Shock and an Acceleration Wave in a Perfect Gas for Increasing Shock Strength, in: Proceedings "WASCOM 2007", XIV Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, SINGAPORE, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2008, pp. 405 - 410 (atti di: XIV Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (WASCOM 2007), Scicli (RG, Italy), June 30 - July 6, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Mentrelli; C. Rogers; W. K. Schief, On Two-Pulse Interaction in a Class of Model Elastic Materials, in: Proceedings "WASCOM 2007", XIV Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, SINGAPORE, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2008, pp. 394 - 404 (atti di: XIV Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (WASCOM 2007), Scicli (RG, Italy), June 30 - July 6, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Barzanti; P. Foschi, Log-normal mixtures in option pricing: non parametric calibration, in: Book of Abstracts, LONDON, Imperial College London, 2008, pp. 29 - 29 (atti di: 5th Internazional Conference on Computational Management Science, London, March 26-28, 2008) [Abstract]
A. Bonfiglioli, Taylor formula for homogeneous groups and applications (Italian Title: La Formula di Taylor per i Gruppi Omogenei ed Applicazioni), «SEMINARI DI ANALISI MATEMATICA BRUNO PINI», 2008, Anno Accademico 2007/2008, pp. 43 - 69 [Scientific article]