Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
Grassi, Antonella*, Birational geometry old and new, «BULLETIN (NEW SERIES) OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2009, 46, pp. 99 - 123 [Scientific article] Open Access
Franca, M., Structure Theorems for Positive Radial Solutions of the Generalized Scalar Curvature Equation, «FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ», 2009, 52, pp. 343 - 369 [Scientific article]
Santopuoli, N.; DE CRESCENZIO, F; Fantini, M; Persiani, F; Seccia, L, L'Ebe del Canova: modello digitale e sviluppi applicativi. Prima parte, «ARCHEOMATICA», 2009, 1, pp. 32 - 37 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cattabriga, A.; Mulazzani, M., Corrigendum to "Extending homeomorphisms from punctured surfaces to handlebodies" [Topology Appl. 155 (6) (2008) 610-621] (DOI:10.1016/j.topol.2007.12.010), «TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS», 2009, 156, pp. 2545 - 2546 [Scientific article]
S. MARTINI; CICCOLI, Nicola; NUCCI, Maria Clara, Group analysis and heir-equations of a mathematical model for thin liquid films, «JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 16, pp. 77 - 92 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. LEACH, The method of Ostrogradsky, quantisation and a move towards a ghost-free future, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 50, pp. 113508-1 - 113508-6 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. LEACH, Singularity and symmetry analyses of mathematical models of epidemics, «SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE», 2009, 105, pp. 136 - 146 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara, Seeking (and finding) Lagrangians, «THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 160, pp. 1014 - 1021 [Scientific article]
G. D'AMBROSI; NUCCI, Maria Clara, Lagrangians for equations of Painleve' type by means of Jacobi Last Multiplier, «JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 16-Suppl, pp. 61 - 71 [Scientific article]
NUCCI, Maria Clara; P. G. L. LEACH, An old method of Jacobi to find Lagrangians, «JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 16, pp. 431 - 441 [Scientific article]
Beccari C.; Casciola G.; Romani L., Shape controlled interpolatory ternary subdivision, «APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION», 2009, 215, pp. 916 - 927 [Scientific article]
F. Uguzzoni, A class of nonvariational Hormander operators, in: BIRINDELLI, ISABEAU (ED.) ET AL., null, POTENZA, E. Barletta, 2008, 7, pp. 269 - 281 (atti di: Geometric Methods in PDE's: a conference in occasion of the 65th birthday of Ermanno Lanconelli, Bologna, May 27--30, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Cinti; A. Pascucci; S. Polidoro, Pointwise estimates for solutions to a class of non-homogeneous Kolmogorov equations, «MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN», 2008, 340-2, pp. 237 - 264 [Scientific article]
T. Ruggeri; A. Mentrelli, Asymptotic Behavior of Riemann with Structure Problem for Hyperbolic Dissipative Systems, in: Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, BERLIN, Springer, 2008, pp. 721 - 729 (atti di: International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems - HYP2006, Lyon, France, 17-21 July 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Frommer A. Simoncini V., Matrix functions, in: Model Order Reduction: Theory, Research Aspects and Applications, BERLIN, Springer, 2008, pp. 275 - 304 (Mathematics in Industry) [Chapter or essay]
B. Lazzari; R. Nibbi, On the exponential decay in thermoelasticity without energy dissipation and of type III in presence of an absorbing boundary, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2008, 338, pp. 317 - 329 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; A. Baldi, From Grushin to Heisenberg via an isoperimetric problem, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2008, 340, pp. 165 - 174 [Scientific article]
F. Ancona; S. Bianchini; R.M. Colombo; C. De Lellis; A. Marson; A. Montanari (a cura di): L. AMBROSIO, G. CRIPPA, C. DE LELLIS, F. OTTO, M. WESTDICKENBERG, Transport Equations and Multi-D Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, BERLIN, Springer-Verlag - UMI, 2008, pp. 132 (Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana). [Editorship]
N. Arcozzi; F. Ferrari, The Hessian of the distance from a surface in the Heisenberg group, «ANNALES ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM FENNICAE. MATHEMATICA», 2008, 33, pp. 35 - 63 [Scientific article]
L. Barzanti; C. Corradi; M. Nardon, On the efficient application of the repeated Richardson extrapolation technique to option pricing, «MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE», 2008, 2(1), pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]