Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
M. Malagutti; A. Parmeggiani, Spectral Asymptotic Properties of Semiregular Non-commutative Harmonic Oscillators, «COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2024, 405, pp. 1 - 49 [Scientific article] Open Access
Federico, Serena; Ruzhansky, Michael, Smoothing and Strichartz estimates for degenerate Schrödinger-type equations, «NONLINEAR ANALYSIS», 2024, 242, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ciani, Simone; Henriques, Eurica; Skrypnik, Igor I., The impact of intrinsic scaling on the rate of extinction for anisotropic non-Newtonian fast diffusion, «NONLINEAR ANALYSIS», 2024, 242, pp. 1 - 29 [Scientific article] Open Access
Battistella, Luca, Gorenstein curve singularities of genus three, «ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE 7: SCIENZE MATEMATICHE», 2024, 70, pp. 655 - 680 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fatighenti, Enrico, Examples of Non-Rigid, Modular Vector Bundles on Hyperkähler Manifolds, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2024, 2024, pp. 8782 - 8793 [Scientific article] Open Access
Biagi S.; Bonfiglioli A., Global heat kernels for parabolic homogeneous hörmander operators, «ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2024, 259, pp. 89 - 127 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gianluca Giacchi; Bastien Milani; Benedetta Franceschiello, On the Determination of Lagrange Multipliers for a Weighted LASSO Problem Using Geometric and Convex Analysis Techniques, «APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION», 2024, 89, pp. 1 - 34 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cordero E.; Giacchi G., Metaplectic Gabor frames and symplectic analysis of time-frequency spaces, «APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS», 2024, 68, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article] Open Access
Andrea Giusti, Andrea Mentrelli, Tommaso Ruggeri, Energy of a non-linear viscoelastic model compatible with fractional relaxation, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS», 2024, 161, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article] Open Access
Goldman, Michael; Novaga, Matteo; Ruffini, Berardo, Rigidity of the ball for an isoperimetric problem with strong capacitary repulsion, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2024, First on line, pp. 1 - 41 [Scientific article] Open Access
Sarti, Alessandro; Galeotti, Mattia; Citti, Giovanna, The Cortical V1 Transform as a Heterogeneous Poisson Problem, «SIAM JOURNAL ON IMAGING SCIENCES», 2024, 17, pp. 389 - 414 [Scientific article] Open Access
Romani L.; Rossini M.; Viscardi A., A compact algebraic representation of cardinal GB-splines, «DOLOMITES RESEARCH NOTES ON APPROXIMATION», 2024, 17, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Kim, Jongwon; Pagaria, Roberto; Rhoades, Brendon, Erratum to “Lefschetz Theory for Exterior Algebras and Fermionic Diagonal Coinvariants”, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2024, 2024, pp. 7201 - 7204 [Scientific article] Open Access
Luca Decembrotto; Andrea Maffia, Riflessioni per una didattica della matematica in carcere inclusiva e accessibile, «NUOVA SECONDARIA», 2024, 41, pp. 147 - 154 [Scientific article]
Bove, A.; Chinni, G., On a sum of squares operator related to the Schrödinger equation with a magnetic field, «ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA», 2024, 203, pp. 2037 - 2055 [Scientific article] Open Access
Schmid, Ludwig; Zardini, Enrico; Pastorello, Davide, A general learning scheme for classical and quantum Ising machines, «SCIPOST PHYSICS CORE», 2024, 7, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access
Emiliano Tolotti, Enrico Zardini, Enrico Blanzieri, Davide Pastorello, Ensembles of quantum classifiers, «QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION», 2024, 24, pp. 181 - 209 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cordero, Elena, Giacchi, Gianluca, Excursus on modulation spaces via metaplectic operators and related time-frequency representations, «SAMPLING THEORY, SIGNAL PROCESSING, AND DATA ANALYSIS», 2024, 22, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guidi C.; Maalaoui A.; Martino V., Singular CR structures of constant Webster curvature and applications, «MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2024, 297, pp. 943 - 961 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carosi, Daniele; Zama, Fabiana; Morri, Alessandro; Ceschini, Lorella, Linearising anhysteretic magnetisation curves: A novel algorithm for finding simulation parameters and magnetic moments, «MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION», 2024, 221, pp. 210 - 221 [Scientific article] Open Access