Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
Maniezzo, Vittorio; Boschetti, Marco A.; Manzoni, Pietro, Self-adaptive Publish/Subscribe Network Design, in: Metaheuristics, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 478 - 484 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Visconti G.; Tozza S.; Semplice M.; Puppo G., A Conservative a-Posteriori Time-Limiting Procedure in Quinpi Schemes, in: Advances in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Balance Laws and Related Problems, Cham, Springer Cham, 2023, pp. 191 - 212 (SEMA SIMAI SPRINGER SERIES) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Petracci A., A 1-Dimensional Component of K-Moduli of del Pezzo Surfaces, in: Birational Geometry, Kähler–Einstein Metrics and Degenerations, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 709 - 723 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Cristiani E.; Falcone M.; Tozza S., An Overview of Some Mathematical Techniques and Problems Linking 3D Vision to 3D Printing, in: Mathematical Methods for Objects Reconstruction, Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore, 2023, pp. 1 - 34 (SPRINGER INDAM SERIES) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Cristiani E.; Tozza S., Preface, in: Springer INdAM Series, Singapore, Springer Singapore, 2023, pp. vii - x (SPRINGER INDAM SERIES) [Preface]
Alberto Parmeggiani, L'analisi geometrica delle equazioni alle derivate parziali e Bologna., in: La matematica a Bologna dal dopoguerra. Contributi scelti., Bologna, Bologna University Press, 2023, pp. 89 - 98 [Chapter or essay]
Colibazzi F.; Lazzaro D.; Morigi S.; Samore A., Limited Electrodes Models in Electrical Impedance Tomography Reconstruction, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Heidelberg, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023, pp. 68 - 80 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Fabrizio Lillo, Order flow and price formation, in: Machine Learning and Data Sciences for Financial Markets: A Guide to Contemporary Practices, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. 107 - 129 [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Ansuini, G.; Frangioni, A.; Galli, L.; Nardini, G.; Stea, G., Bi-dimensional Assignment in 5G Periodic Scheduling, in: AIRO Springer Series, Cham, Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 159 - 168 (AIRO SPRINGER SERIES) [Chapter or essay]