Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
Abenda S.; Grinevich P.G., Edge vectors on plabic networks in the disk and amalgamation of totally non-negative Grassmannians, «ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS», 2022, 406, pp. 1 - 57 [Scientific article] Open Access
Beccari C.V.; Casciola G.; Romani L., Fundamental functions for local interpolation of quadrilateral meshes with extraordinary vertices, «ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE 7: SCIENZE MATEMATICHE», 2022, 68, pp. 369 - 383 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alice Lemmo; Andrea Maffia, High School Students’ Use of Digital General Resources During Lockdown, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION», 2022, 10, pp. 139 - 153 [Scientific article] Open Access
Danilo Vassallo; Giacomo Bormetti; Fabrizio Lillo, A tale of two sentiment scales: Disentangling short-run and long-run components in multivariate sentiment dynamics, «QUANTITATIVE FINANCE», 2022, 22, pp. 2237 - 2255 [Scientific article] Open Access
Salort A.M.; Vecchi E., ON THE MIXED LOCAL-NONLOCAL HÉNON EQUATION, «DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL EQUATIONS», 2022, 35, pp. 795 - 818 [Scientific article]
Battelli F.; Franca M.; Palmer K.J., Exponential dichotomy for noninvertible linear difference equations: block triangular systems, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS», 2022, 28, pp. 1054 - 1086 [Scientific article] Open Access
Andrea Petracci, On Deformations of Toric Fano Varieties, in: Interactions with Lattice Polytopes, «SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS», 2022, 386, pp. 287 - 314 (atti di: Interactions with Lattice Polytopes, Magdeburg, Germany, 14-16 September 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Borisov L.; Buch A.; Fatighenti E., A JOURNEY FROM THE OCTONIONIC ℙ2 TO A FAKE ℙ2, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2022, 150, pp. 1467 - 1475 [Scientific article] Open Access
De Biase L.; Fatighenti E.; Tanturri F., Fano 3-folds from homogeneous vector bundles over Grassmannians, «REVISTA MATEMATICA COMPLUTENSE», 2022, 35, pp. 649 - 710 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gutierrez C.E.; Montanari A., L∞ -estimates in optimal transport for non quadratic costs, «CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2022, 61, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access
Beccari C.V.; Prautzsch H., Quadrilateral Orbifold Splines, in: Geometric Challenges in Isogeometric Analysis, Cham, Springer INdAM Series, 2022, pp. 1 - 18 (SPRINGER INDAM SERIES) [Chapter or essay] Open Access
De Santis, Simone; Lazzaro, Damiana; Mengoni, Riccardo; Morigi, Serena, Quantum median filter for total variation image denoising, «ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE 7: SCIENZE MATEMATICHE», 2022, 68, pp. 597 - 620 [Scientific article] Open Access
Landi G.; Zama F., A variational approach to Gibbs artifacts removal in MRI, «ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE 7: SCIENZE MATEMATICHE», 2022, 68, pp. 465 - 481 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chinni, G; Derridj, M, On the microlocal regularity of the analytic vectors for "sums of squares" of vector fields, «MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT», 2022, 302, pp. 1983 - 2003 [Scientific article] Open Access
Antonio Bove; Gregorio Chinni, On a class of globally analytic hypoelliptic sums of squares, «JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2022, 327, pp. 109 - 126 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mauro Fabrizio, Franca Franchi, Roberta Nibbi, Second gradient Green-Naghdi type thermo-elasticity and viscoelasticity, «MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS», 2022, 126, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article] Open Access
Palitta, Davide; Pozza, Stefano; Simoncini, Valeria, The Short-Term Rational Lanczos Method and Applications, «SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING», 2022, 44, pp. A2843 - A2870 [Scientific article] Open Access
Albano P.; Basco V.; Cannarsa P., The distance function in the presence of an obstacle, «CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS», 2022, 61, pp. 1 - 26 [Scientific article] Open Access
Albano P.; Basco V.; Cannarsa P., On the extension problem for semiconcave functions with fractional modulus, «NONLINEAR ANALYSIS», 2022, 216, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Baldi, A; Tesi, MC; Tripaldi, F, Sobolev-Gaffney type inequalities for differential forms on sub-Riemannian contact manifolds with bounded geometry, «ADVANCED NONLINEAR STUDIES», 2022, 22, pp. 484 - 516 [Scientific article] Open Access