Articles, books, patents, proceedings, etc. by members of the Department.
R. Agliardi, A comprehensive option pricing formula in a Lévy framework, in: Proceedings XVII Meeting on Risk Theory, TRICASE (LE), Libellula Edizioni, 2011, pp. 7 - 18 [Chapter or essay]
Agliardi R., Option pricing under generalized Lévy processes with state dependent parameters, in: Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on Applied Financial Economics, ATHENS, INEAG, 2011, pp. 559 - 564 [Chapter or essay]
F. Caselli; R.Fulci, Refined Gelfand models for wreath products, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS», 2011, 32, pp. 198 - 216 [Scientific article]
F. Caselli, Projective reflection groups, «ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2011, 185, pp. 155 - 187 [Scientific article]
A. Lanza; Salti S.; Di Stefano L., Background Subtraction by Non-parametric Probabilistic Clustering, in: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), PISCATAWAY, NJ, IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 243 - 248 (atti di: 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Klagenfurt University, Austria, 30/08/2011-02/09/2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Lanza; L. Di Stefano, Statistical Change Detection by the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE», 2011, 33, pp. 1894 - 1910 [Scientific article]
A. Lanza; M. Magno; D. Brunelli; L. Di Stefano; L. Benini, Energy-Aware Objects Abandon / Removal Detection, in: Proceeding of the Workshop on Resource Aware Sensor and surveillance NETworkS (RAWSNETS), in conjunction withAVSS 2011, PISCATAWAY, NJ, IEEE Computer Society., 2011, pp. 443 - 448 (atti di: Workshop on Resource Aware Sensor and surveillance NETworkS (RAWSNETS), in conjunction withAVSS 2011, Klagenfurt (Austria), 30 Agosto 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Cesari; A.G. Quaranta, Un approccio robusto risk-based alla gestione di portafoglio, ROMA, MEFOP S.p.A., 2011, pp. 12 . [Research monograph]
V. Grecchi; H. Kovarik; A. Martinez; A. Sacchetti; V. Sordoni, Resonant states for a three-body problem under an external field, «ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS», 2011, 75, pp. 37 - 77 [Scientific article]
G. Cupini; C. Marcelli; F. Papalini, Heteroclinic solutions of boundary value problems on the real line involving general nonlinear differential operators, «DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL EQUATIONS», 2011, 7-8, pp. 619 - 644 [Scientific article]
G. Cupini; C. Marcelli; F. Papalini, On the solvability of a boundary value problem on the real line, «BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS», 2011, 2011:26, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]
Agliardi R.; Popivanov P.; Slavova A., On some boundary-value problems for second order PDEs arising in Finance, «COMPTES RENDUS DE L'ACADÉMIE BULGARE DES SCIENCES», 2011, 64, pp. 1383 - 1392 [Scientific article]
C. Beccari; G. Casciola; L. Romani, Polynomial-based non-uniform interpolatory subdivision with features control, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2011, 25, pp. 4754 - 4769 [Scientific article]
M. Cicognani; M. Reissig, On Schrödinger type evolution equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients, «ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA», 2011, 190, pp. 645 - 665 [Scientific article]
Brini A.; Regonati F., Whitney algebras and Grassmann's regressive products, «JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY», 2011, 101, pp. 51 - 81 [Scientific article]
F.Ferrari, Some relations between fractional Laplace operators and Hessian operators, «BRUNO PINI MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR», 2011, A.A. 2010/2011, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]
M. Marconi; A.G. Quaranta; S. Tartufoli, Individuazione del Rischio di Fallimento via Panel Analysis, «BANCHE E BANCHIERI», 2011, 5, pp. 384 - 401 [Scientific article]
M. Campanino; M. Gianfelice, On the Ornstein-Zernike Behaviour for the Bernoulli Bond Percolation on $pmb{mathbb{Z}}^{d},dgeq3$, in the Supercritical Regime, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2011, 145, pp. 1407 - 1422 [Scientific article]
F. Bastianelli; R. Bonezzi; O. Corradini; E. Latini, Extended SUSY quantum mechanics: transition amplitudes and path integrals, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2011, 1106-023, pp. 1 - 26 [Scientific article]
P.Contucci; M.Fedele, Scaling Limits for Multispecies Statistical Mechanics Mean-Field Models, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2011, 144, pp. 1186 - 1205 [Scientific article]