
Lars Halvard Halle

Associate Professor

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Martin Huska

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Image Processing, Geometry Processing, Inverse Problems
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Germana Landi

Associate Professor

keywords: image restoration, ill-posed inverse problems, constrained optimization

Alessandro Lanza

Associate Professor

keywords: numerical methods for non-linear, non-differentiable and non-convex optimization, inverse problems in imaging,

Loredana Lanzani

Full Professor

keywords: harmonic analysis; one and several complex variables; elliptic equations
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Emanuele Latini

Associate Professor

keywords: Cartan Geometry, Quantum geometry and quantum gravity, Higher spin gauge theory

Damiana Lazzaro

Associate Professor

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Fabrizio Lillo

Full Professor

keywords: Quantitative finance,, High frequency finance, Market microstructure, Financial networks, Systemic risk, Financial

Martino Lupini

Full Professor

keywords: Descriptive Set Theory, Category Theory, Homological Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Operator Algebra, Ergodic Theory,
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Andrea Maffia

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Mathematics Education, Arithmetic learning, Semiotics, Mathematical discussion

Luca Marchese

Associate Professor

Vittorio Martino

Full Professor

keywords: Geometric and nonlinear analysis
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Andrea Mentrelli

Associate Professor

keywords: extended thermodynamics, hyperbolic systems, plasma modelling
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Luca Migliorini

Full Professor

keywords: Hodge theory, Perverse sheaves, HIlbert schemes of singular curves, Compactified jacobians of algebraic curves, Higgs
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Emanuele Mingione

Associate Professor

keywords: mathematical physics, statistical mechanics, disordered and complex systems, spin glasses, monomer- dimer models,
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Luca Moci

Full Professor

keywords: I am interested in applications of Combinatorics to: Representation Theory, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry,