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Giulio Casciola

Full Professor

keywords: Surface Reconstruction, Spline, NURBS, RBF, Subdivision Curves/Surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design
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Fabrizio Caselli

Full Professor

keywords: Representation theory, Coxeter groups, Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, Lie superalgebras
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Alessia Cattabriga

Associate Professor

keywords: Knot theory, 3-dimensional manifolds, mapping class group; interdisciplinarity between mathematics and physics
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Lorenzo Cerboni-Baiardi

Associate Professor

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Riccardo Cesari

Full Professor

Gregorio Chinni

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Analytic and Gevrey Hypoellipticity for sums of squares, Global regularity for sums of squares defined on the torus,
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Simone Ciani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations
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Massimo Cicognani

Full Professor

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Eleonora Cinti

Associate Professor

keywords: Elliptic nonlocal equations, nonlocal minimal surfaces, fractional mean curvature flow

Giovanna Citti

Full Professor

keywords: Analysis in Lie groups and subriemannian structures, surfaces in subriemannian setting, subelliptic equations,
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Giovanni Eugenio Comi

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: divergence-measure fields, Gauss-Green formulas, fractional Sobolev spaces, fractional gradient
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Pierluigi Contucci

Full Professor

keywords: mathematical physics, statistical mechanics, disordered and complex systems, machine learning and artificial
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Giovanni Cupini

Full Professor

keywords: Elliptic equations, Calculus of variations

Alessandro D'Andrea

Full Professor

keywords: Vertex algebras, Lie conformal algebras, Lie Pseudoalgebras, Representation Theory, Compact quantum groups,
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Giacomo De Palma

Full Professor

keywords: quantum information theory, quantum computing, quantum machine learning, quantum statistical mechanics

Roberto Dieci

Full Professor